From 2003-03-12 and 2003-03-15 posts:



When I first saw these photos the subject car seemed more familiar to me than my knowledge of it would warrant. Today I chanced across a model included in a "your guess is as good as mine" lot I bought a year ago. Now that I see it, I remember reading the bottom ("Ferrari Can-Am") and deciding it was a toy designer's guess, rather than a scale reproduction of an actual car. Little did I know.

Here are some photos of the (approximately 1:43-scale) MEBETOYS MATTEL SPUTAFUOCO HOT WHEELS HEISSE RADER 6601 FERRARI CAN-AM in the same state I received it:
   Ferrari 612 model  Right Front aspect   Ferrari 612 model  Left Rear aspect

   Ferrari 612 model  Top aspect   Ferrari 612 model  Bottom (cropped) aspect

Although not shown here, the 'tonneau' covers open and the wing pivots, as well.
Click a small photo to see a large (760x???, 25-33KB) version.