Freeway driving  ain't Play (3 of 3)
(Wherein we see more evidence of near-absolute disregard for the safety
of self and others, even—I presume—offspring)


Thumbnail: woman using both hands brushing her hair at 70mph

CLICK the tiny image to see a larger view of this lady applying a two-handed brush stroke to her crowning glory. At 70mph.

Which may eventually send her to Glory, her own self.

I still think it would be a good idea to change the name of this page to "Do you INSURE these people?"

Thumbnail: woman reading as child lolls in back seat and world goes by at 70mph

What can we say? Do YOU like the idea of someone having such limited judgement she believes it is OK to drive like this, driving like this?

You can bet she beamed with love and was especially careful as she tied that ribbon around the little girl's hair, just so . . .

This is 'way past the point where tain't funny, McGee.

Photo: woman reads as she luxuriates in the knowledge she and her progeny are invulnerable . . . or are they?

She looks nice. Got those lamb skin seatcovers, all comfy and rich-feeling. Looks as if she has her belt latched, and a little something special dangling from the rearview mirror.

I'm not certain what that is behind her. Maybe just a baby in an approved car seat? Think they'll be all right when she rear-ends that CalTrans truck? I hope so.

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