To the best of my knowledge and recollection, there is just one
photo (previously misplaced) of the actual car, a 3½"
by 5" black and white number shot in
front of the family home on Monteith, up the street from USC. Some
kind of "...Hills" community. Holmby? It's now an upscale
African-American enclave. When my family lived there the house across
the street was owned by Harry Belafonte. At least that is what the realtor
told them.
Park, just north of Windsor Hills) (The
Los Angeles Times Sunday edition of 07-19-2015, California section,
has a front-page story calling View Park "The Black Beverly Hills".
There is apparently a move to add it to the register of Historic Places,
as it is 84% black. Some are proud to have such an honor bestowed; others
fear the accolade will encourage whites to move in and ruin the spirit
of the place.)
(WIKIPedia: "On July 12, 2016 View Park was listed on the National
Register of Historic Places, an initiative led by View Park Conservancy
in which almost 700 View Park residents donated over $100,000 to complete
the historic work needed to complete the neighborhood's nomination.
View Park is the largest National Register historic district in the
Country based on African American and county history, and the largest
in California in terms of total property owners.")
Frank Lloyd Wright had a hand in the house's design, they said. It had
a sun porch overlooking an extensive
garden running down
a hill,
a resident Scrub Jay missing the top half of its bill, and indirect
lighting in the living room. The garage was in kind of a basement, stairs
from its inside door led to a hallway, forming a perfect reservoir for
fumes whenever a car entered or left.
I have only the vaguest of memories of the rest of the house's layout.
I was in the Air Force when the family moved there and spent just a
few days in it, not many more hours than my
friends, who visited
in my absence.