- Drive it to New Orleans.
Tom Fuhrer and I left on a Friday and returned by Sunday night. I "hocked"
the TD to a Shreveport finance company to buy a suit to wear to roommate Lennon
Glenn Briley's wedding (it nor I was ready, and we didn't attend), and had a little
money left over, so...
We had a marvelous time. Went to Papa Joe's (?)
where I knew Milt
"...Stolen Yellow Ford Convert-ible..." |
Rebennac hung out. Either he wasn't there or he saw me coming. Earlier had I called
his number and I heard him tell his Mama he wasn't home? Yup. Between that 10
AM call and Papa Joe's Tom and I made a complete round of Royal and Bourbon Streets,
eating free lunch with a beer at most places. Middle of the afternoon
we came back across the street and started up again. I noticed the Ford was not
where I left it! Holey Moley! Stolen Yellow Ford Convertible With California Plates
lost in Nawlins! There were some parking restrictions posted, and it looked as
if we had overstayed by a few minutes. We headed out to the impound address
shown on the signs. Quite a few alcohol-fueled blocks of fast walking in 99.9%
humidity later we were at one with the atmosphere and told to find the car in
a giant fenced area. Couldn't. Find. The. Ford.
Fully conscious (so to speak) of our impaired state, we looked again.
No more luck. We said the car must have been stolen. From where? asked the officer.
400 block of Royal Street. Uh huh, he said. We
listened as the dispatcher broadcast the description and we thanked
"...it took a nickel to dial the impound number..." |
officer profusely. Stepped out into
a light rain, a condition that could add
nothing to our state of moisture, but was a good excuse to hail a cab. Rode the
taxi for a seemingly long time and got out of it in the 300 block of Royal Street.
Right. Next. To. The. Ford. Parked exactly
where I left it, one too many blocks west of where I thought it was. Thank Bog.
No lost car. Figuring we had an "in" with the impound guys,
we left the car there and I stepped across the sidewalk to a public phone. Give
you an idea about when this was: it took a nickel to dial the impound number
and confess. I heard the officer tell the dispatcher What'd I tell ya?
The Pirate's Alley Beatniks, Tempest Storm, Jax Beer stories have nothing to do
with cars. Some other time and place... |