You, too, could do
it to it: here's part of a feature story on Solo I racing. It is in a military
driver's magazine. In case you can't read the copy in the larger view of the pages
on the right, some of it says, "Would you believe it? A Vega Kammback rolls
out onto the track."
Sandy is driver, unless she is passenger.
In that case, the driver is Dick Guldstrand,
fabled Corvette and Camaro racer and engineer. This is the occasion when he pronounced
the Vega underpowered but otherwise pretty good. Last year, August or September,
I was at an Old Racers gathering and Guldstrand was there. I asked him if he remembered
driving a Vega Wagon at RIR. "Solo One school, wasn't it?" Yes, he remembered.
Up there above the Vega's roof is the raceway office, all gone on the latest
satellite photos I've seen and in my own pictures from early February, 2002.
(That installation at the Admin's location on the photo is a (shudder) golf driving