Grand Prix Peparation at RIR

EbAy-find photos made at Riverside International Raceway by a member of a cinematography crew, before the making and 1966 release of the film, GRAND PRIX.

An article by Second Unit and Helicopter Cameraman, John M. Stephens, printed in the January, 1967, issue of American Cinematographer tells more about the challenges involved in making that film. Stephens' IMDb page links to several photos pertinent to the production.

My original posting of this material was in an album on FotoTime where it resided for several years, accumulating views and comments. FotoTime evaporated overnight on March 10, 2021, taking with it all photos and annotations. I have been able to retrieve many lost images, but it seems the extensive information previously attached to them is gone forever. I'll appreciate any contributions of useful notes about the pictures, especially the name of the photographer, to

Camera Equipment and Hollywood Experts

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