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F Sheff STILL at Play
THS -3-

Still more frames from the 13 Aug 94 video

Photo: Student Body officers on display

On display: Student Government pages.

Photo: Senior Class officers on display

More Senior Class officers.

Photo: The Song Queens

Here they are: those lovely Song
Queens in all their finery.

These are the Class of '54 alumni whose
portraits were made at the reunion,
appearing in the On-Site 'Annual':

Charlie Babbitt (and Helene)
Basil Brady
Bob Brow (and Brenda)
Doralee (Chaffin) Dawdy
Adele (Curtiss) Ruxton (and Edward)
Mary Sue (Easley) Borns (and Leo)
Pat (Gaida) Forg
Sandra (Grub) Eads (and Wayne)
Robert Guerra (and Gladys)
Babs (Hazzard) Decker (and Richard)
Barbara (Heger) Johnson (and son Brian)
David Herrera (and Jacqui Skinner)
Sally (Hickman) Maurer (and John)
Greg Jenkins (and Donna)
Judy (Judson) Powell (and Ed)
Joe Lafferty (and Francine)
Joan (Leech) Paour (and Frank)
Lynn (Lorenz) Brokaw (and Buzz)
Ron Lynch (and Donelle)
Clayton Mallard (and Sally)
Don Mann (and Gino)
Edward McVey (and Julie)
Norma (Mead) Farrar
Lorraine (Miller) Nelson (and Douglas)

THS -2-

Photo: Senior Class officers on display

Senor Class officers.

Photo: Part of the Jr-Sr Scholarship Society

A section of the Jr-Sr Scholarship Society.

Photo: DeDe and Bob go danceward

DeDe Schumert leads Bob Moon to the floor
to fulfill a 40-year-old wish.


Julia (Montgomery) Kelley (and Tom)
Bob Moon (and Mikka)
Marlene (Moulton) Cafarchia (and Mike)
Toni (Perkins) Payne (and Cal)
James Pine (and Marcia)
Ed Powell (and Judy)
Sylvia (Read) Stanton (and David)
Dale Rippstein (and Carol)
David Ruffell (and Terry)
Jack Sampson (and Sara)
Sandy (Sanders) Johnson (no GG photo)
Betty (Scheffer) Wolf
Jim Scheibeler (and Iris)
Diane (Schumert) Moreno
Frank Sheffield
Barbara (Smith) McDaniel
Frank Smith (and Donna)
Sally (Sprout) Mallard (and Clayton)
Elaine (Sturtz) Krem (and Gene)
Charlene (St.Martin) Bezanson
Henry Valdez (and Hazel)
Bill Volmerding (and Judy)
Janet (Van Dyke) Whitmer (and James)
James Whitmer (and Janet)

I apologize for any mistakes (I have lost my source material and some memory) and for the poor quality of the pictures (Pretty much beyond my control: copy of a low-light VHS tape). I am open to corrections and additions. Send information and better pictures to me at:

Frank S.